Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"Pouring T "

I must write this morning. I am pregnant with something so beautiful. Out of the bed.....and into the deep...bursting with thoughts.... images....with every glorious color and breathtaking hue to paint a story of my love across the sky. And love is building a beautiful creation within me.....strong.... slow..... and steady....with sweet intensity. This is something eternal. It is, by it's very nature lengthening the place of my cords....opening my heart so wide.....God plants a seed so deep and makes room in the heart for love beyond our own capacity, this love... the kingdom of God coming to earth, and then giving birth..the earth groans ...waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God...love bringing new life!! So I will dream of you my beloved...my wild fronteir...your soaring spirit, with its rough hewn montains and expansive plains....the fire in your eyes...and the light within them ...like a dancing flame....and you ....burning steady like a bed of white hot coals that lay at the bottom of a hearth... that you only get after you've had a good fire going for a while.. from a life filled with passion and a heart set aflame... that warms all who come near him...through...his joy,his sorrow, his pain...the gift of him...the warmth of him..."out of the wild blue"..."coming up from down under"..he lights my world like a meteor blazing across the sky...I have known the treasure of him... he is a gift to me... and because he walks upon this earth .....the world is a better place to be...I thank God He gave me the eyes to see.......for just like MichaelAngelo.... he paints exquisite works of art...for me....in his melodies.....Emmanuel.... "God is with us" he takes me on celestial navigations....I'm in tune with his etherial key..... and all the music of heaven plays its song for me....in a sacred place to interface....his tenderness.....I can hear him in the silence...sometimesI can feel his spirit next to me.... even when he is far away...and the depth of emotion he causes me to feel...the desire to show up for him like a queen ....lavishly.... and extravagantly...always putting me in touch with the woman God created me to be...the overwhelming joy I feel....when he is near to me....it's like Christmas everyday.

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